Saturday, December 6, 2008

Triple Trouble

Drag queen, diva, genius, socialite, princess, daughter of Rita Hayworth: amazingly, only the first three apply to the most glamourous of these three ladies. The others take up the slack.

Miss Lypsinka just about never goes wrong on the costume front; this, judging from that scarf/shawl/wrap object, may just be one of them. But at least, unlike the Princess Yasmin Aga Kahn, right, she is not quilted...


  1. the princess doesn't look much like her mother...

  2. this is off topic,but i heard about the nautica cruise ship ending up in muscato. the passengers were shaken ,but okay. a happy outcome!

  3. Scarf? It looks like she's wearing a tablecloth.

    What nautica cruise?

  4. Oh, we had a little excitement in these parts - one of the cruise ships that comes through here was chased by pirates (!) off Somalia. It's all very far from the city, but somehow it adds a touch of intrigue nonetheless...

    And you're so right - are those strawberries? What was the Lyp thinking?
