The great Kate Bush is celebrating today, and we with her, in fond memory of the music that wafted through the dear college days of yore. As the years passed, we went from feeling superior for recognizing the literary allusion in "Wuthering Heights" right through pretending to like "Heads We're Dancing" as much as we had "Babooshka." If we've not entirely remained devoted acolytes ever since (despite buying
Aerial a couple of years ago), we do remain in awe of the voice, the neo-baroque/ultra-Spector arrangements, and, of course, the amazing looks.
Joining her are a wide swathe of the great, the good, and the goofy:
la belle Delta Burke, the Governator, funniest Friend Lisa Kudrow, tawdry celebrother Frank Stallone, most-baffling-since-Luise-Rainer-Double-Oscarite Hilary Swank, Welles-idolator Peter Bogdanovich, and the supremalicious Anita Hill among them.
All of whom, combined, would seem to me to make an almost ideal reality television cast, no?
and that reality show would perhaps be called What's Up with Phoebe the Barbarian Staying Alive and Running Up that Million Dollar Designing Hill?