So, of course, inevitably, Sarah Palin has featured here and there, most recently, as a result of her ... unique ... career choices. The public statements of our new La Pasionara de los Wingnuts via Twitter have been particularly fertile fodder. One commenter on a recent post noted that the lady's choice of background image was especially striking - and my goodness, as seen above, ain't it the truth!
It looks to me like someone has let Willow or Pothole or Kaytel or whatever one of the younger sprogs' names are have a go at the Photoshop. I'm only disappointed that in addition to the striking (presumably Alaskan) landscape, superimposed flag, and apparent hommage to Alison Hayes or Darryl Hannah, they didn't manage to working in a screaming eagle, Liberty Bell, or at least a moose. Maybe once she recreates, post-elected office, her Twitter page (given that she's now "AKGovSarahPalin", she'll kind of have to), she'll take care of that...
Morning glory and midnight sun....
ReplyDeleteEven though the overall effect is less "Evergreen" than "Everdrilled"...