Saturday, August 1, 2009

Is Rocking Teen Party, Comrades!

At first glance, only a few things tip one off that this hip little get-together is in fact an Eastern-bloc jamboree - the clashing patterns of carpet and drapes, for example, and the rather sad fashion note struck by Ludmila and Svetlana in the front there wearing the same skirt. I suppose the rather Pleistocene hi-fi is a giveaway, too.

More perplexing, though, is the question of just why these fun-loving youngsters seem to vary in age from 32 to 50.


  1. yeay! another soviet glamor post.
    I love those.

  2. If it's Soviet, it was probably from 1976, not 1964.

  3. are those glasses the two dolls on the left are holding, or is it a Soviet party line made from juice cans and wire?
