Isn't this, by the way, exactly where she belongs? I happened on New York, New York the other night just as the "Happy Endings" number, a still from which is seen here, was starting up, and it absolutely blew me away. At her best, Minnelli was unstoppable.
Funny thing, too; there's an odd parallel here with Mama's Star is Born and its "Born in a Trunk" number. Both excised from films alternately loathed and venerated but often seen as flawed masterpieces, and both later seen to be about the best things in each picture. It might be instructive to see them back to back, although I'm not sure I'll ever have that much concentration...
Liza is ably assisted in her "Happy Ending" by the wonderful (and gone too soon) Larry Kert of Broadway's West Side Story, A Family Affair, the disasterous Breakfast at Tiffany's with MTM, Rags and Company.