Tuesday, March 6, 2012

If This is Tuesday...

...it must be, if not Belgium, then at least unlimited mussels night at our local boite belgique.  Someday, Mr. Muscato and I will learn our limits.  In the meantime, we do have an awfully good time...


  1. "I want all I can get
    All over him, all over him
    I want mussels, mussels, mussels"



  2. Eat all you want, but don't be shellfish!

  3. What a wonderful bird is the pelican.
    His beak can hold more than his belly can.
    He puts in his beak
    Enough food for a week
    But I don't know how the hell he can.

    Hope there's lots of crusty bread for sopping up broth.

  4. Yum! When my Texas parents lived in Belgium for a spell, their mispronunciation of 'moules' made it sound more like a barnyard animal.

  5. Well, we survived. The special was the house mussels in Roquefort and cognac, which were heaven, not least because there was indeed lots of crusty bread.

    As for prononciation, in these parts "moules" and "mall" are spelt the same, which confuses Mr. Muscato no end...

  6. We had mussels Chez Infomaniac earlier this week.

    After dining, the houseboy in charge of preparing the meal said, "It's been a long time since I cooked mussels. I hope we're okay in the morning."

  7. Off-topic: I see that we can’t get follow-up comments notification on your blog anymore, thanks to a change imposed by Blogger.

    If you want to permit follow-up comment notification on your blog, I’ve done a post about how to do it here.

  8. Thanks for pointing it out, MJ - I actually tried to do this when you brought it up chez toi, but couldn't figure it out. Turns out you have to swith briefly back to the old Blogger, which then worked like a charm.

    And like your domestiche, I always hope you're okay in the morning...
