Conscious, perhaps, of his status as second-generation subcontinental cinematic royalty, Abhishek Bachchan is in general one of Bollywood's less ludicrously presented stars, a conservative figure in a firmament prone to spandex, regrettable hats, and other sartorial trappings of their trade.
Still, given half a chance he can pout in absurd costume with the best of them, as evidenced by this beruffled, boycolletaged re-interpretation of a
Saturday Night Fever-esque suit. Perhaps it's the sort of thing we'll see more of if and when he really does do a sequel to
Yes, true...but it is quite long way...the assumed for the sequel is rumoured to project the Indian Gay Revolution (!!!??????) with your John and Abhi as leaders...
ReplyDeleteWhatever I am having my fingers crossed...
I am musing over Arjun who's rumoured to be you-know-what