Friday, April 12, 2013

On Finer Newsstands Now!

Accept no substitutes.

Ever since I dug up an issue way back in 2008 (do you believe it?), this classic periodical has gained a certain discerning little following.  Dear Donna Lethal discovered several back numbers over in her droll corner of the cyberverse, and dear Jon has even come across an issue or two over in Blighty (perhaps he found them in some tempting corner of the Portobello Road?).

As with the legendary Flair, though, complete sets are hard to come by, and I do believe we can all live in hope of finding new editions.  Later issues seem to be especially rare - there's no denying dowagers were an endangered species once Mamie Eisenhower left the White House...


  1. Essential reading... Of course! Jx

  2. I did a couple issues and posted them on Periodically Anachronistic.

  3. I think Bess Truman and her mother are the dowager queens of cutting glances. I LOVE DQ and it's Facebook page!
