Well, what their demented lounge act called to my mind was something even rich and stranger, and with nothing except the highest of Space Age Bachelor Music style to link it to the Kims: I'm thinking of one of the maddest films I've ever seen - certainly the very strangest to include a globally renowned author as a half-naked waxwork.

It was written by Yukio Mishima, who is also the aforementioned waxwork, one of the Lizard's love-victims. The whole thing is really indescribable.

It had a brief U.S. re-release in the early 90s and basically disappeared thereafter, never having seen a (legal) DVD release.
Which seems a shame; it is very nearly a perfect film, at least in the select genre of the transvestite Asian jewel-thief/psychokiller thriller musical.
I remember reading about "Black Lizard" in Paper magazine when it enjoyed its 90's re-release; but, alas, I never got the chance to enjoy it. Which seems a shame, nay a crime.
ReplyDeleteThis is one of the greatest movies ever made. I believe at one point she plays with a deck of oval playing cards (or are they round).