My grandmother would always, of certain of her acquaintances, observe "well, yes, she looks fine - but she's lost her ankles!" and then flash a demure glance down at her own dainty feet.
Marlene, of course, kept hers insured by Lloyds of London, and had them prominently on display when pitching Blackglama:

And it makes sense that a hoofer like Chita Rivera would keep hers in fine trim:
Elaine Stritch's trademark outfit seems designed to highlight her legs (in what I have long thought is the most calculatedly casual ensemble ever seen on stage):
I have to say it came as something of a surprise to find Mrs. Hart indulging in a bit of what Hollywood starlets once referred to as "Drape Art," but she carries it off:
It's even a pan-gender phenomenon, which in this case, at least, is a very good thing:
Those knees aren't getting older - they're getting better!
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