Her wedding was one of the first big Washington media circuses; she got diamonds from Edward VII and pearls from the Dowager Empress of China (whom she'd visited a year or two before, taking away as gifts on that occasion enough bolts of fine silk to outfit her well into her eighties), and sufficient year's supplies of this and that from America's manufacturers to put Star Jones to shame.
Sadly, the groom - although fetching enough in his own right in his little moustache -turned out to be something of a stick, and it might not have been the happiest of unions. She went through a dour period as a Washington socialite between the Wars...
Before emerging into what turned out to be a gloriously extended dotage. She lived well into her nineties, gleefully showing up for White House functions, having a very public crush on JFK, and torturing the Nixons, who thought she was making fun of them (she was; Eleanor had the same problem).

If you don't have anything nice to say about somebody, come sit here by me!
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