Sunday, February 18, 2018

Tell Mary to Call Diane!

The fabulous Miss Dina Martina gives us her... unique... perspective on this most invented of all long weekends..

Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm all for presidents (well, most of them, if you get my drift), but it's always sort of rankled that they took the coincidence that two of our greater ones had birthdays in the same general vicinity and crammed them together into a kind of Frankenstein celebration meant to generically celebrate all the presidents, great and small. And while we've had some greats, we've certainly had a couple whose worth to celebrate is distinctly questionable.

But enough of that sort of thing. We're busy here at the Condo Muscato, as the Mister comes back from his little holiday in the sun quite late tonight, so I'm being Terribly Domestic, stocking away some lovely cooked things for the week, catching up on the laundry, and of course indulging a certain Yorkie's bottomless predilection for being admired and cossetted. It's been nice, I won't deny it, being on my own this week - lots of extra sleep, a marathon of reading, and a quick and enormously enjoyable binge of all of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (which actually is, quite so) - but I do like being half-a-couple, and it will be very pleasant indeed to have the old duffer around again. And we get to catch up on both Valentine's and himself's birthday, so there's that to look forward to.

In any case, if you're stateside, I hope you're enjoying the prospect of an extra day off as much as I; and if not, you're likely at this point so baffled that the best I can do is simply recommend that you watch the video again and again until it makes its own internal kind of sense.


  1. Doesn't Judy Garland wear that dress?

    1. Good eye! Dina only cannibalizes from the best...

  2. "cannibalize" is exactly the right word to describe this little number.

  3. I forgot that you're having a holiday. Up here, we've the day off for "Family Day." Everything is closed so you're pretty much forced to spend the day with your family whether you like it or not.

  4. Thank Heavens! For a moment I thought Mary Haines was going to call Diane sobbing about some nasty rumor she's heard about Stephen...x

  5. It reminded me of Sausage Party. I don't know why, it just did.

    1. everything reminds me of Sausage Party. And how much I still miss Fabulon.

    2. Fabulon! Those were the days, my friend...

    3. We launched from the shores of Fabulon, and thence we shall return. But not anytime soon if I have my way...
