Saturday, April 7, 2012

Lady, Sing the Blues

Today is Lady Day's day - 97 today, had things gone differently.  Funny to think that she's of a generation that, while undeniably thinning on the ground, still has a few vigorous representatives here and there among us.  Her singing remains tenaciously of the moment, current, here; the woman herself, though, to me has always seemed impossible to imagine beyond the years of her too-short lifespan.

Here, one American legend takes on another.  Holiday never did much acting, but this is a performance that to me rivals Louise Brooks as Lulu in depicting a well-intentioned feral creature, hoping for the best, saying all the right things - but knowing, that when he comes around again, she'll go...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a great clip!

    There's such a difference between late-period Billie and the lilting, girlish voice of her younger days. I love them both.

    It's hard to imagine if she had lived for even one more year...

    On a related note, what are those earrings all about? Must have!
