Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Back on the Chain Gang

Ah, the sad return to reality; never pleasant, it's somehow extra dispiriting to have to go back to work on the day after Christmas, even though it's not exactly the most productive day of the year.  Over at Golden Handcuffs Consulting Amalgamated International, you could have shot cannons through some departments today, but I'm being a good soldier and "holding the fort" as someone inevitably puts it.  For reasons that will become apparent in good order, I'm not complaining.

We had a lovely Christmas, and I hope you did, too.  Mr. Muscato's legendary turkey recipe did its magic once again, and I must say that overall our Christmas lunch was something of a success, with guests sprawled around the living room well into the evening and the dogs beyond replete.  At least we only have more day until the local weekend, which we will probably spend doing a very great deal of not much at all, quite happily.


  1. Life. Oh, life. At least you had Kate Smith, Aunt Claudia, cold duck and turkey when you needed 'em... Jx

  2. They're just beautiful. Who needs QuickBooks?

  3. Why don't you dial Miss Loretta Young's extension in the "Collections Department" and ask her to grab a sandwich with you at the corner dinette?
