Thursday, June 13, 2013

One Week and Counting

There's no going back.  I know that for a fact, because this morning I asked.  Hell, this morning I begged.  Let's just say that when it comes to unrealistic mid-century depictions of everyday life, the above takes the cake.  Believe you me:  this is not how you look or feel when there's a moving van in your future.


  1. Did someone mention cake?

    Having moved numerous times in my life, I can attest to do NOT look or feel like that.

    One of my friends has a separate address book just to record when I move. Nobody else is listed in it because my moves took up so much space!

  2. I, too, have "upped sticks" many, many times over the years. I think each time I looked more like this... Jx

  3. No, it's not like that at all here in the states. Can't imagine what it would like over there. I just remember looking at the double digit IQ morons who were the packers. Smelly, sweaty toothless grits, compliments of United Van Lines.

  4. yet it is a lovely fantasy nevertheless.

  5. I think the redhead is selling off her kids before the move and her neighbor is driving a tough bargain. Just shows what packing will drive you to.
