Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Once More, Let's Open That Door

I don't usually, magpie-like, post things I run across on other, infinitely more-trafficked sites, but over at his shiny new digs, dear JoeMyGod did us the favor yesterday of spreading the word about this gem, and I can't resist.

Yes, it's that hugely talented, relentlessly reinterpretative ensemble known as Postmodern Jukebox (the folks who brought us "Royals" sung by an extravagantly depressive clown called Puddles, among other treasures), and I think what's got me isn't just the deft subversion of Miss Dion's once-omnipresent theme song, but rather the charisma, talent, and sheer verve of vocalist Mykal Kilgore.  Through a feat of musical legerdemain they turn a too-familiar Celtic dirge into a bracing anthem of pop devotion with a smooth Eisenhower-era gloss, and for once I don't mind if they do in fact go on and on.

The band is heading out on a far-flung tour in the next couple of weeks, one that will take them from Wellington, New Zealand to Helsinki, Finland, via Bethlehem, PA and dozens of hotspots in between.  You can find out more at the link on their name above, and if this one tickles yours ears, I think you probably ought to check it out.  They don't seem to be coming any closer to Our Nation's Capital than Baltimore, but I may just have to make the trip...


  1. DAMN!!!

    Talent still exists!

  2. That was delightful!

    I feel like an Old Auntie because my first thought was, "Goodness, such energy! Oh, these kids today!"

  3. What Bill said.

    I do enjoy this group. Wish I could attend one of their concerts - I'll bet they're a riot when they let loose.
